Meeting & Events

Save the date & Call for Abstracts

The date and venue for the 29. Annual GQMA conference is now confirmed. The conference is scheduled September 18-19, 2025  in the Steigenberger Hotel in Bad Neuenahr.

Abstracts for presentations on GLP, GCP, GMP, GDP, Analytics, GVP, IT, Medcical Devices, (e)Archiving and  related topics are already welcome.

Please use the form below for submission.

GQMA Annual Conference 2024

The 28. Annual GQMA conference took place on September 19-20, 2024  in the Dorint Hotel in Neuss.

Approximately 230 participants followed the numerous interesting presentations and used the breaks for intensive networking with colleagues.

The focus of this years conference was on AI in GxP-regulated IT-areas with various presentations on this topic from the different GxPs. In addition, cloud technology remained a topic.

Like in previous years round table discussions on GCP-, GLP- and GMP-questions with experts and authorities were part of the program as well as workshops on eTMF und Data Integrity.

Further details can be found in the program below.

For conference participants the digital handbook with the abstracts of the speakers is available below as well. The necessary access information has been shared with the confirmation of the registration.


All Presentations, for which consent for publishing was given by the speakers, can be found below, sorted by day and stream according to the program (grey squares indicate no consent)

Please note that access is restricted to conference participants. The necessary access information has been shared with the confirmation of the registration.

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